I would be glad to work with you to customize a scripture graphic suitable for framing or a framed scripture to your specifications. Graphic size up to 8" x 10".
Client Comments:
That is so beautiful. I love it. Thank you!

All content on this site is copyright protected. Using or obtaining the graphics on this site in any way other than specified on this site is a violation of the copyright. Please respect my work.© 2008, Edie Moore
What an awesome idea. I will be thinking on this one. I would love to have something done for my sister! Thank you Edie. You have such great talent.
A beautiful idea.
Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day.
I've missed you too.
Luv u,
Beautiful Edie. I was thinking of doing something like this for my Grand daugthers with their names and my LIFE Scripture so that they would have something to remember Grandma by when I've gone to the Lord. Thanks for giving me the extra push in seeing this beautiful framed art you did.
Love ya and Happy Mother's Day.
That's a very pretty piece of work you did. I really like the wording you made with the frame! Beautiful!
Oh wow! This is beautiful!
Hi Edie!!!
((((Hugz))) That is beautiful, have one that says my name means victorious... How are you my sistah/ I'm so glad I could finally make it over here, so many projects these past two months, but I have been missing my sistah's so much.
Luv Ya Lorie
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