Sarah at God's Not Finished With Us Yet has greatly honored me with a wonderful award after I did her blog makeover. She is such a dear, loves the Lord deeply, and is a pleasure to work with.
Thank you so much Sarah!

All content on this site is copyright protected. Using or obtaining the graphics on this site in any way other than specified on this site is a violation of the copyright. Please respect my work.© 2008, Edie Moore
You well earned this award and I saw Sarah's blog and as I told her in advance; Edie will do a marvelous job because she loves the LORD!
Bless you friend.
You deserve this award and may God bless you be on all your needs.
love and hugs~Tammy
How neat! I just realized that it actually matches your site pretty well. I didn't realize that at first.
Seriously now, you truly have been such a wonderful blessing to work with.
And just as Lisa Shaw and Tammy wrote; you deserve this greatly.
It is very rare to find a Christian blog designer; let alone a GREAT Christian blog designer!
What a wonderful gift. You are certainly very deserving of this award. I know you put a lot into the designs you make.
Luv u,
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