FREE Scripture Tags to use on your blog or website. I have designed these using my own illustrations and photos unless otherwise noted.
I would love to hear your thoughts, which tag styles and scriptures you like best and what you would like to see in here too as it just might turn up. Just leave a note in the comments.
Please do not alter the tags or the code in any way. Place the code below into your html gadget and by all means, ENJOY!

All content on this site is copyright protected. Using or obtaining the graphics on this site in any way other than specified on this site is a violation of the copyright. Please respect my work.© 2008-2009, Edie Moore
I would love to hear your thoughts, which tag styles and scriptures you like best and what you would like to see in here too as it just might turn up. Just leave a note in the comments.
Please do not alter the tags or the code in any way. Place the code below into your html gadget and by all means, ENJOY!

All content on this site is copyright protected. Using or obtaining the graphics on this site in any way other than specified on this site is a violation of the copyright. Please respect my work.© 2008-2009, Edie Moore
Hi Dear Friend,
I love your newest scripture tags. I particularly love this one and I've included it on my blog site.
Thank you so much. God uses you in so many ways.
Love you,
Edie, I love them all. I put the one with the flower on arise 2 write and I may come back and get another one. You are awesome.
Blessings, andrea
Great new tags Edie! Thank you for sharing them with us! I love all your tags and designs.
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