Thank you for your interest in my Scripture Tags. I am offering them for FREE to use on your blog or website. I have designed these myself using my own graphics and almost all my own photos. The illustrations are drawn by me and are mostly vector graphics. A vector graphic maintains high quality and does not produce a pixelated look.
The beautiful photos used in the Sparrowgrass Collection are taken by Debra Smith at Sparrowgrass who graciously allows me to use her work in my designs. Thank you Debra.
I would love to hear your thoughts, which tag styles and scriptures you like best and what you would like to see in here too as it just might turn up. Just leave a note in the comments.
Please do not alter the tags or the code in any way. Place the code below into your Html editor and by all means, ENJOY!

All content on this site is copyright protected. Using or obtaining the graphics on this site in any way other than specified on this site is a violation of the copyright. Please respect my work. © 2008, Edie Moore
You do wonderful scripture tags. Thank you so much!
And then I saw this one and had to add it as well!
I am impressed lately with the importance of the Word, and memorizing/internalizing it.
Thank you for your part in putting it out there!
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